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Medial Woman

Medial Woman facilitates when matters require comprehensive discernment. She perceives future cultural events and values. Mediumistic consciousness is an agent of the inner life of thought traveling between abstract or transpersonal realms and more ordinary consciousness. As Amazon knows what is at stake in the social realm, Medium understands the force of the unknown and assumes a natural authority in relation to her perceptions. She intervenes so that distant realities can approach, experiencing herself as an instrument for new discoveries.

While her visions of the collective are individual and peculiar to her, neither her intellectual awareness nor her trance awareness states are centered in her own subjectivity. Instead, without a loss of identity, her subjective self is available to the environment and its stimulus in order to transmit new knowledge. Medial Woman is an apt, uncanny predictor who becomes aware of hidden motives and undiscovered connections. In grasping the intangible, she inspires both awe and skepticism.

If Medium identifies with the ability to discern rather than the ability to listen, distortion and projection eclipse the patience required to communicate clearly. If she loses her capacity for clear thinking, she is likely to fall prey to illusions and projections. Lacking wisdom, loving kindness, and curiosity, she becomes ambitious for recognition and spends less and less time in reflection, investigation, speculation. She loses her power in losing understanding. Her inventions fail to serve, her insights are shallow, and her abstractions become arbitrary. Her wound is either in her lack of faith in her visions or in her failure to detach from them. She becomes the carrier of deception.

One meets with the agency of a Medial Woman in researchers, healers, teachers, scientists, writers, artists, and saints. We are in awe of the messages and of the messengers whether visionaries of recent renown: Virginia Woolf, Jane Goodall, Simone Weil, Madame Curie, Aung San Suu Kyi, or literary oracles of past cultures: Völva or the Sibyl, the Macbeth witches or Cassandra, tribal shamanesses or gypsy card readers.
